Try and Try equals Success

Of all the things that you're doing will leave risks, so why don't you just do them even if they reject you.

There's no such thing as rejection always because one may say no and another one will accept your proposal because not all people says yes and no in your offer or proposition. Success comes in our life just keep on trying and trying because if you don't try there's no success too.

What do you mean by trying and trying? Well, do not quit even if you are facing so many challenges. The challenges might be at home, with finances, foes, friends, your limitations, work. You should always keep on trying and just keep on moving to go on with your life. It will mean that you keep on focusing with life that challenges you. You should develop that habit which stays on track. There are a lot of years now which keeps on going in track, focus will be on staying at that race, and to keep in the track. There's the origin that you might not be so fast like the other people within this life's race, however you need to keep on trying, never ever quit. You need on developing the habit to persevere, like the others already said "just keep on staying with this course" To keep your mind active keeps the leg to move along in the life's course too.

You'll be able to find satisfaction when trying, soon there will be joy too at the end. If you try, you'll be feeling good even if you don't or do succeed due to the fact that you already give your best. Satisfaction will be deeply felt, then also personally viewed at your heart. The man with no regret due to the reason of giving all his best. That man can sleep well during the night, then look forward in trying for tomorrow.

Lastly, if it looks as if you cannot go, just look in yourself and challenge to become the best. Be very surprised that you'll find that there's a strength within yourself that you can try and try again. Just like in marine lessons, the attitude that they have is to don't quit on trying or do not ever lose hope. Just keep on trying, trying and trying.

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