How Do Rich People Reach Success?

According to Arnold Schweitzer "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." We shouldn't pursue riches, but instead pursue happiness. To laugh, being positive and to keep on smiling - its necessary to succeed. 

Your Happiness, Your Success

I'm not saying that becoming idle leads to success, because as a student or an employee you also need to devote some time finding happiness for yourself. In accordance to a research done by Shawn Achor, "happiness could be the key to greater productivity and results within the workplace."

There's a soon to be accountant named Rebecca, she's a happy, and driven oriented person. Do you think happiness can help you, in boosting up your morale to success? Because it can. The real question will be, in lieu, how can a person be really happy? Can you really change your personality from being distressed to happy by your own will? Well you can. You have the guts to change. For you to become optimistic or positive minded, there's a need for you to vary your view of things.

Utilize Time-Energy for Relationships

People are known to be as a social animal and our relationships became a life-giving force.   As a friend Ecca is a person who really makes everyone feel  nice of themselves. She takes time for her friends and family, setting up family and close friend dates , and mobile conversations. There's nothing that can light up your lives when you communicate with your love ones.

Search Happiness from your Past and Present

Being happy means enjoying what's going on with your current situation. Sometimes we remain with our past and place to much efforts in planning with our future. I just can't believe it Rebecca loves to study and i love her faith in God which gives her the courage to go on and on to any situations in life like her studies or problems too but of course she succeed afterwards with the help of family, friend and faith. Her dreams for herself and of course family can be attained due to her beautiful attitude.

Never Let Someone's "Insistence" Make Your Dream Fade Away  

How often are you discourage because you just allow other people distract you on the things that is necessary for your dream to success?  Leave the days of discouragement behind.  As i remembered Rebecca, the driven-oriented person she is, even with a little distraction keeps on reviewing because there's a need for her due to a departmental exam and so many projects.  Because when you let someone's insistence direct you, success will be hindered. The dreams will be just dreams - so the naysayers must not come in your place.

So emerge and live happily, being successful comes next. :)


How to Build Your Self Confidence

Confidence refers to take action. People like to try things however they're frightened to reach it, so they're worried to fail. It's perfectly normal because everybody has that fear.

"Be confident!" will be a very important advice you will get in your life and it's really nonsense when you don't act it out.

Building up your self confidence:

  1. Stop your habit of complaining - well negative vibes like this, to complain a lot, will never give you a positive mindset because complaining makes you think worst of yourself. 
  2. Think of assets rather than liabilities - as human there are rooms for errors or liabilities. Your being courageous, compassionate as well as your talent and skill are the assets for a successful you.
  3. You will not trust people  unless  you first trust yourself - usually a person with low confidence level doesn't trust his or herself. No one will believe you unless you decide to do it first! 
  4. Face your fears - people with low self confidence levels are usually afraid. To have fear, becomes a factor people needed to confront if one wants to be confident. They are just ghost in our nightmares we must not let them get in our way. Be optimistic and don't permit your fears in getting involved with your chances. 

      Self confidence is the opposite of inferiority. There's a need for you to believe in yourself, act not only in words alone. Responsibility comes in action of what you  say.