Being negative, it comes to us occasionally. But being negative all the time is a problem, you need to change in order to reduce or avoid it. Here are some ways on how to reduce negativity as I know how:
Talk to a
humorous person - there's a saying "Opposite attracts, similar repels"
a humorous person can make us laugh, they simply have fun
meanwhile negative person on the other hand tends to repel
all humor around them. Talking to humorous a person reduces
the tension in our body, and us.
Do some memories to remember - go to a movie house, trip someone with big bugs that they fear the most, travel adventures, get pictures to places you’ll go with family or friends, read books ( you need it the most :), cook special meals for the family or friends, do some acts of goodness...
some exercises - just like dancing, yoga,
zumba, etc... this is a healthy workout for your body and you
will love it afterwards. It can help you get rid of irritations for the day or
stresses in life, and make you more optimistic which makes you feel calm.
Memories are priceless and the
happiness it leaves will be full of experiences to you and everyone involved.
With family and friends around you there's no room for negativity.
underestimate yourself - negative
thinkers tend to pity themselves and say I can't do it all the time. You can do
the things you fear the most unless you set your mind that you can. I once was
afraid of speaking in public, I tend to be absent during class reports but a
student need to overcome that fear, so I tell something to myself before any
reports to calm myself down. Now I'm perfectly fine when there are many people
I can talk to because "I Choose To"